The best is yet to come.
As we approach the end of the year and our brave challenge, we’ve started reflecting on the year and how we’ve been braver. We’ve realised that having that intention for the year helped give us focus – focus on what really matters. We’ve also learnt a lot about ourselves and our clients, understanding why connection and relationships are so important for both the business and the design work.
We’ve loved sharing our journey and learnings with you – it’s been a truly rewarding experience.
So, for 2023, we wanted to do the same again. We’re setting intentions for the year ahead, but this time we want to invite you to join in and set your own intentions as well.
We’ve been finding out more about the power of manifesting and setting intentions.
If you have clarity on what you want, it’s more likely to happen. And when you set an intention, it gives you accountability and empowers you to take control of your personal choices. Here are some other benefits:
It can keep you focussed.
It can help you make the best of opportunities.
It can make you more mindful.
It can remove limitations.
We’ve pulled together a guide to support you with the process for setting intentions.
The starting point is to think – give yourself time and space to really think. Thinking about what you want, what you need, and start to have clarity on your goals/intentions.
To help with this, it’s good to ask questions. Ask yourself:
Where do I want to be? How do I want to develop? What do I want to achieve? What do I want to change? What do I want to keep the same? Think about what this looks like; what it feels like.
It can help to make it visual. This could be creating a physical vision board, or it could be a Pinterest board, or just a large piece of paper where you write down all your thoughts.
You can then narrow this down to a smaller list of what you want. You could give each one its own space. Is it the house you want to live in, or the role you want, or a specific goal you want to achieve? Put them somewhere you can see them or can look at every day, so they’re in your subconscious.
There will always be resistance to anything we want to achieve and much of this comes from within. Self-doubt starts to creep in and limiting beliefs. Am I good enough? Do I deserve it? The way to switch this up is by moving from low energy to high energy and changing the language you use to talk about yourself. It helps to write down these limiting beliefs and why they’re holding you back, then cross them out and write down your strengths and enabling beliefs – what are your affirmations?
1. The action or process of affirming something.
2. Emotional support or encouragement.
Appreciating what you have, rather than what you lack, will help with a more positive mindset. A gratitude journal can help you recognise the big and small things that you’re grateful for. Noticing the little things can make a big difference.
Thinking about the type of energy we want to share and receive. How do you want to feel?
Ways to have more positive energy is to think about what brings you joy, and then how to share that joy. Do something kind, help a friend or family member, donate to a meaningful organisation.
“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.”
Give yourself some self-compassion and time for movement; whether that’s practising meditation or yoga, or a walk in your local park.
By starting the morning right, you can change your attitude for the rest of the day – win the morning, win the day.
Make sure you have a ‘daily awe’. This could be as simple as listening to a favourite song, going for a nature walk, or connecting with a friend.
Use your imagination: What does it feel like to have achieved what you want? Visualise it, like it’s already happened.
But you also need to put the work in. You need to align your behaviour to support your vision. Think about what steps you can take towards these goals, what small thing can you do now? What can you do from day to day, or week to week?
Be clear what you want, remove any resistance, be grateful, have positive energy, and work out how to make it happen.
Here’s to an amazing 2023. The best is yet to come.