Brave 2022: Dare Greatly
Happy New Year! We’ve dared ourselves to be brave in 2022 and thank you for taking part in the journey. Inspired by Dr Brene Brown’s book, Daring Greatly, rediscover the benefits of being brave and recognise what might be holding you back.
It’s energising
It can make you happier
It’s infectious
It can enhance your performance
It’ll challenge you to make things happen (do the thing!)
It increases your focus
It helps you grow
Dr Brene Brown’s book, Daring Greatly
In an age where we feel as though we’re increasingly defined by our social media ‘personal brand’ and what our job title is, it’s easy to compare ourselves to others and conclude we’re not enough. Besides being time consuming, comparing ourselves to others is also futile. Here’s a fact that’ll save us all a lot of time: there will always be people we perceive to be better at something than us.
It’s about shifting the narrative from ‘What will people think? to ‘I am enough’
‘A sense of worthiness inspires us to be vulnerable, share openly and persevere.
Shame keeps us small, resentful and afraid.”– Dr Brene Brown
This comparison could be about anything – more attractive, seemingly more ‘together’, a better artist, and so on. The only ones we should be comparing ourselves to is ourselves, and within that frame, let go of the idea of perfection. These are all barriers to being brave and you have far better things to focus your energy on.
The greatest disservice we can do to ourselves is to not try at all for fear of embarrassment or failure. Instead, reframe the possibility of failure to ‘what if’ – see an opportunity to grow and learn something from the experience. This is particularly relevant in the creative field, but it can be applied to any aspect of our lives. Some of our best ideas and results come from having to pivot or improvise (with various degrees of success). It’s all part of the process.
This month, visit our Brave Hub where we’ll share more throughout January. We’ll share our favourite brave brands and give our top tips for How to be Brave with your Brand.
If you haven’t already, connect with us on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter (or all three if you’re really keen) and sign up to our monthly newsletter.